An epic and outstanding work

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Raphaël REINS

An epic and outstanding work

Message par Raphaël REINS »

Thanks to the support of his close relations and with an outstanding tenacity, Julien Quirin brilliantly succeeded to cope with the numerous, varied, harmful and especially unforeseen obstacles which stood unremittingly on the tumultuous road of artistic creation.

The result is a convincing success and all the more remarkable as Julien Quirin carried out this disc in all independence, composed the whole multiple pieces you can listen on the album by himself, draw the visual aspects of his disc and managed to respect the administrative obligations related to the marketing of a work.

As a genuine professional artist, he offers to the audience a rich, virtuous, sensitive and multifaceted work.

His piece of art is sometimes filled with mere and deep melancholy and woes, sometimes it is heavenly lighthearted, which denotes at the same time an outstanding sensitivity, a thriving technique and an admirable virtuosity.

The successful symbiosis of all these elements will not leave anybody indifferent; Julien Quirin's work delicately stirs music lovers, mesmerizes the experienced musician and reconciles the neophyte with the classical music.

I wish that this keen and outstanding work and this devouring passion would benefit of their deserved success.

The talent, glory, legitimacy of a mere artist are revealed by the attraction and the emotion they beget and vent.

As the main picture of the album, may all the pieces of Julien Quirin sail beyond the oceans, overtake of the remote horizons and the starry skies; may they live a beautiful and epic adventure and conquer their audience! may the wind be gentle and favorable !

Raphaël REINS